Look most people I meet with have about 2 times their income in life insurance. that is only OK if you are a couple years from retirement. But, you know that if the Beer truck hit you, and rendered you unable to work FOREVER – 2 times, 3 times, 4 times wouldn’t even come close. CHECK, I’ll bet you two times your salary — That it a beer truck hit you leaving you unable to work
EVER AGAIN, you would
- sit down with a calculator.
- and economist, financial expert, or a lawyer
- or some expert –
SOMEONE particularly skilled at calculating large sums of money - and decide that 10 times your income is the MINIMUM you would consider
So why in the name of Mary would you think of leaving your family with 2, 3, 4, or even 5 times your salary.
Nothing in life is certain, but your ability to pop up from the grave, shower off, and get a job to
take care of things is as unlikely to happen.